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Teach at Day-Star School in Honduras

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Latest teaching jobs at Day-Star School in Honduras

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High School English Language Arts Teacher
Building iconDay-Star School
Map marker iconJuticalpa, Honduras
License required iconLicense Required
Start in July 2025
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Featured Job
High School English Language Arts Teacher
Building iconDay-Star School
Map marker iconJuticalpa, Honduras
License required iconLicense Required
Start in July 2025

About Day-Star School

Day-Star School is a private K-12 bilingual school located in Juticalpa, in the eastern part of Honduras. The school was founded in 1988. It is owned and operated by Mark and Betty Skallman, North Americans, who have lived and worked in Honduras since 1980. 

The school is nationally accredited with the Honduran Ministry of Education and internationally accredited by Cognia.  All classes, except for Spanish grammar, civics, and some social studies, are taught in English. The teaching staff includes both International and Honduran teachers. The student body is Honduran, whose parents live and work in the community.


Deliver a high-quality education based on values, discipline, excellence and service. We strive to motivate students to achieve academic excellence, encouraging meaningful actions that positively impact society.


Day-Star School believes that a child’s education and development are essential to shaping the future success of our society. We aspire to educate students with excellence, cultivating in them optimism, confidence, knowledge and an appreciation for diverse cultures.

Day-Star School images

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Day-Star School image
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Day-Star School contact information

Address: Barrio El Campo, Juticalpa, Olancho, 16101Honduras
Phone: +504 2785-2917

Honduras at a glance

Country information

Capital: Tegucigalpa

Language: Spanish

Population: 8.3 million

Currency: Lempira (HNL)

Government: Presidential republic

Country quick facts

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The center star on the Honduras flag represents Honduras, while the other four represent the other Central American countries.
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Honduras was formerly known as Spanish Honduras in order to differentiate itself from Belize, which was previously known as British Honduras.
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Hondurans celebrate Dia del Nino, or Children’s Day.
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Christopher Columbus discovered Honduras.
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Honduran’s that have blonde hair and blue eyes are decendants of the British Pirates that came to the area over 500 years ago.
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One of the oldest clocks in the world is located in the city of Comayagua.
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Honduras has the second largest amount of coral reefs in the world next to Australia.
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