Head of English (Primary)
- Elementary, Middle School
- Licensed Teacher
- Bachelor
- 2 years of teaching experience
- English
- Teaching Credential/License
- Airfare reimbursement
- Tuition
- Medical insurance
- Housing allowance
Overall Responsibilities:
- Promote high standards in all school life aspects, particularly pupil progress.
- Actively support the vision, ethos, culture and policies of the school.
- Inspire and motivate pupils, teachers, and other school employees.
- Comply with the professional duties of the Harrow staff Code of Conduct.
- Contribute to a school culture that is positive, purposeful, and professional.
- Engage positively in the school Appraisal process and performance management arrangements.
- Be committed to safeguarding and promoting children's and young people's welfare.
Specific Responsibilities as Head of English (Primary):
- Formulate and implement effectively a one-year departmental development plan based on the School’s three-year strategic plan and one-year development plan.
- Lead, support, and manage Primary English Language Teachers effectively.
- Establish a highly effective leadership and communication structure across the Primary English Language department.
- Develop the school-based Primary English Language curriculum according to the central curricula (Hong Kong Primary and HKDSE curriculum, Harrow Core Values and Leadership Attributes, and the IB DP curriculum) with curricular and pedagogical approaches which align across key stage interfaces (including integration of IB MYP English Language elements), promote personalized learning, language-across-the-curriculum learning, creativity, deep thinking, engagement, and self-directed learning.
- Evaluate the quality, standards, and impact of teaching within the Primary English Language department, and implement effective performance appraisal procedures as appropriate to a Head of Subject.
- Present a coherent, understandable, and accurate account of English Language learning programs and performances to a range of audiences, including senior leaders, the board, and parents.
- Develop a bank of effective assessment strategies, collection methods, and tools for tracking student learning and progress in the English Language, in and across year groups.
- Support colleagues in ensuring effective curriculum coverage, continuity, progression, support, and challenge.
- Establish a culture of high expectations and professional responsibility.
- Build effective collaborative learning communities within and beyond the school/department.
- Contribute towards leading and coaching English Language extra-curricular activities.
- Assist the school leadership team in the overall development of curriculum and assessment from a cross-curricular perspective.
Teaching and Learning Responsibilities as a Teacher:
- Apply the curriculum aims and objectives in the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (CDCHK, 2017), its Supplementary Notes (CDCHK, 2021), and their subsidiary subject/KLA curriculum guide(s) related to this job position (English Language), in a school-based manner according to the school’s development plans, into the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the school’s curriculum, learning, teaching and assessment, in English.
- Plan, prepare, and evaluate lessons, activities, and learning and teaching strategies through the maintenance of a professional teaching plan, in active collaboration with peers and individually as necessary.
- Provide a safe, secure, and stimulating environment in which consideration is given to the individual development of all pupils.
- Differentiate learning and teaching and associated resources in a manner that challenges and interests the pupils and is appropriate to the needs and skill levels of pupils.
- Take responsibility for learning and teaching and associated resources in a manner consistent with school policies and procedures, including advice and recommendations offered by the Inclusion team.
- Apply, where appropriate, IT capability to enhance learning and teaching.
- Be open and adaptable to changing circumstances and guidelines.
- Contribute to and maintain consistency with internal and relevant external marking schedules and moderation procedures.
- Engage pupils fully in the assessment and self-evaluation process.
- Carry out a range of formative and summative assessments of pupil’s attainment for feedback to the pupil, further planning for individual, group, and class work, whole-school planning and target setting, reporting to parents and other authorized requesting external agencies, informing pupils’ transition from year to year, and writing and maintaining relevant records for individual pupil files in school.
- As an academic staff member of a boarding school, provide biweekly late-afternoon learning support to boarders’ learning.
- Applicants experienced and interested in boarding education are welcome to state their preference to take up a Boarding Housemaster / Housemistress role with a reduction in lesson load.
Pastoral Care and Pupil Management:
- Accept fully, the established Harrow philosophy that children should be treated in such a way that always maintains their dignity.
- Monitor the work of class pupils, providing guidance, advice, and support, fostering self-esteem.
- Write and maintain relevant records for individual pupil files and writing reports.
- Motivate pupils through praise, displaying an interest in the pupils, and the presentation of well-structured stimulating lessons and activities.
- Lead moral education sessions for small groups or the whole class as required.
- Communicate and consult with parents regularly maintaining records as appropriate.
- Value and promote links with charities and the community.
- Communicate and consult with the Inclusion team to implement recommendations.
- Actively maintain the high standards of behavior and dress of pupils in the classroom and all school locations and activities.
- Follow policies with regard to the health and safety of pupils both on and off the school premises when pupils are under the school’s jurisdiction.
- Take a pastoral interest in pupils in curriculum and extra-curricular activities and around the school environs so that they feel noticed, valued, and cared for.
- Participate in and contribute towards meetings for any of the purposes above.
- Be respectful of the needs of colleagues and the school about cooperation, collegiality, deadlines, and team cohesion.
- Participate positively in meetings, follow policies, and generally contribute to the effective and efficient running of the school.
- Promote professional dialogue, share ideas about teaching and learning, and support other teachers in developing good practices and new approaches and initiatives.
- Engage positively in, and contribute to, INSET activities offered by the school.
- Enthusiastically contribute to cross-curricular links initiatives and extracurricular activities.
- Be involved in new initiatives within the school as part of ongoing professional development.
- Take an active interest in maintaining subject knowledge, learning networks, and current educational research.
- Constructively contribute towards school developments and implement agreed whole school policies and initiatives.
- Contribute and respond positively to the outcomes of the school’s self-evaluation reviews and inspections.
- Behave in a manner befitting a role model for the pupils of the school and in a manner that brings only respect to colleagues and the reputation of Harrow.
- Be proactive in maintaining and developing your IT capability in line with the Digital Learning Strategy.
- Take seriously the responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and to work together with others to identify, assess, and support children who are suffering harm.
Other Responsibilities:
- Build strong relationships with parents through effective parent-teacher communication and home-school meetings and/or workshops as appropriate.
- Take part in the professional planning and implementation of student admission activities.
- Undertake other reasonable duties (including cover for classes) as requested by members of the Senior Leadership Team and any duties that the Head Master/Mistress deems necessary for the effective operation of the school.
The establishment of Harrow Hong Kong Children School Shenzhen Qianhai (‘The School’) in September 2023 is an immensely exciting moment for the Greater Bay Area (GBA). As the fourth Harrow-branded school within the region established by Asia International School Limited, the School will provide a world class educational experience. Excellence is founded upon the unique fusion of a rigorous academic programme delivered through both the Hong Kong and International Baccalaureate curricula embedded within the renowned Harrovian holistic journey forged over the past 450 years.
The School benefits from a truly 21st Century purpose-built campus in Qianhai, Shenzhen, where technology and a cutting-edge approach to teaching and learning will provide students from age 2 to 18 with every opportunity to excel, both within and beyond the classroom. Drawing on the significant resources in the GBA, the school will become an educational hub focusing on STEAM, innovation, and the nurturing of bi-literate, trilingual students (Mandarin, English and Cantonese) who will go on to attend Hong Kong’s and the world’s best universities.
The daily experience for all is deeply rooted within a commitment to discover and realise the potential and talents in every child, as has been typified by a Harrow education for many centuries, beginning with Harrow School’s foundation in London in 1572. An unwavering commitment to excellence is underpinned by the nurturing of lifelong values, character and leadership.
School location: No.1 Kechuang 6th Street, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China.
School website: https://www.harrowhkcsshenzhen.cn/
School video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ONnozo2zg8
School recruitment portal: https://career.aisl-edu.com/#Harrow_School_for_HK_Children
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