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Deutschlehrer/German Elementary School Teacher

ISR- International School on the Rhine
Neuss, Germany, Europe
To be negotiated (relocation, housing, scholarships)
To be negotiated
Start date
Start August 2024
  • Elementary, Middle School
  • Licensed Teacher
  • Other
  • Teaching Credential/License

visa and working permit are mandatory


  • They have qualified teacher training and career changers have a master's degree in German studies or a degree in education. 
  • You have already gained teaching experience, ideally in an elementary school.
  • You have a native-level command of the German language.

To be negotiated (relocation, housing, scholarships).


  • Die ISR International School on the Rhine ist eine private Ergänzungsschule, die Bildungsangebote vom Kindergarten bis zur 12. Klasse offeriert. Mit einer Schülerschaft von rund 1050 Lernenden aus mehr als 60 Nationalitäten bietet die ISR ein wahrhaft internationales Lernumfeld.
  • Für unsere Elementary School (Klassenstufen 1 – 6) suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine qualifizierte Lehrkraft für das Fach Deutsch in Vollzeitbeschäftigung.
  • Ihr Aufgabenbereich umfasst den Unterricht von Deutsch als Erstsprache in einem innovativen, modern ausgestatteten Lernumfeld in den genannten Klassenstufen.
  • Sie verfügen über eine qualifizierte Lehramtsausbildung, Quereinsteiger über einen Master-Abschluss in Germanistik oder einen Abschluss in Pädagogik. 
  • Sie konnten bereits Erfahrung im Unterrichten, idealerweise in einer Grundschule (Elementary School), sammeln.
  • Sie beherrschen die deutsche Sprache auf muttersprachlichem Niveau.
  • Sie identifizieren sich mit unserem pädagogischen Profil und zeigen Enthusiasmus dafür, innovative Ideen einzubringen und umzusetzen. Unser Motto It's cool to be good, das sowohl für Lernende als auch für Mitarbeitende gilt, reflektiert Ihren hohen Anspruch an Exzellenz und positive Leistungskultur.
  • Sie zeigen Interesse an der Entwicklung und Implementierung innovativer pädagogischer Konzepte, zeichnen sich durch hohes Engagement sowie Teamgeist aus.
  • Sie haben Freude daran, Ihre Lernenden durch motivierenden, alltagsnahen und innovativen Unterricht zu ihren persönlichen Bestleistungen zu führen.
  • Sie schätzen die enge Zusammenarbeit in einem internationalen, dynamischen und hochmotivierten Team.

Bei ISR ​​bieten wir ein dynamisches Arbeits- und Lernumfeld, das sich einen Ruf akademischer Exzellenz erworben hat und ständig nach Verbesserungen strebt. Sie werden stets von engagierten und gastfreundlichen Kollegen und einer sehr treuen Kindergartengemeinschaft unterstützt.

Ein dynamisches Arbeits- und Lernumfeld, das für seine akademische Exzellenz bekannt ist und kontinuierlich nach Verbesserungen strebt. Sie werden von engagierten und kollegialen Mitarbeitenden sowie einer loyalen Schulgemeinschaft unterstützt, feiern mit uns diverse internationale Feste und sind Teil einer Gemeinschaft, die sich schätzt!

Wenn Sie eine enthusiastische und hochmotivierte Lehrkraft und überzeugt sind, zum Wachstum und zur Weiterentwicklung unserer ISR Elementary School beitragen zu können, freuen wir uns auf Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung. 

Die Bewerbungen werden fortlaufend geprüft, daher empfehlen wir eine zeitnahe Einreichung.



  • The ISR International School on the Rhine is a private supplementary school that offers educational programs from kindergarten to grade 12. With a student body of around 1,050 learners from more than 60 nationalities, the ISR offers a truly international learning environment.
  • For our Elementary School (grades 1 – 6) we are looking for a qualified full-time teacher for the subject of German as soon as possible.
  • Your area of ​​responsibility includes teaching German as a first language in an innovative, modern learning environment in the above-mentioned grade levels.
  • You identify with our educational profile and show enthusiasm for contributing and implementing innovative ideas. Our motto It's cool to be good, which applies to both learners and employees, reflects your high standards of excellence and positive performance culture.
  • You show interest in the development and implementation of innovative educational concepts and are characterized by high levels of commitment and team spirit.
  • You enjoy helping your learners achieve their personal best through motivating, practical, and innovative lessons.
  • You value close collaboration in an international, dynamic, and highly motivated team.

At ISR we offer a dynamic working and learning environment that has earned a reputation for academic excellence and is constantly striving for improvement. You will always be supported by dedicated and welcoming colleagues and a very loyal kindergarten community.

A dynamic working and learning environment known for its academic excellence and continuous striving for improvement. You will be supported by committed and collegial staff and a loyal school community, celebrate various international festivals with us, and be part of a community that values ​​one another!

If you are an enthusiastic and highly motivated teacher and are convinced that you can contribute to the growth and development of our ISR Elementary School, we look forward to receiving your detailed application. 

Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis, so we recommend submitting them promptly.

This is a Direct to School Job
This is a Direct to School Job

ISR International School on the Rhine is a prestigious co-educational institution situated in Germany's picturesque Rhineland region. Catering to a diverse student body of 1,050 learners aged 3-18, ISR boasts an expansive, state-of-the-art campus that fosters a cohesive learning environment.


ISR’s students benefit from a comprehensive international education, with particular emphasis on bilingual proficiency in English and German. ISR's innovative approach blends the Cambridge Curriculum with carefully selected elements from other globally recognized educational frameworks, ensuring a holistic and well-rounded learning experience. As our students’ progress to Upper Secondary, they embark on an academic journey culminating in the internationally acclaimed IGCSE examinations. For the final two years, ISR offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, preparing students for success in a globalized world.


ISR prides itself on its dedicated faculty and staff who provide extensive, personalized support to students throughout their academic journey. This includes comprehensive guidance on post-graduation options, whether in higher education or employment. The school's commitment to excellence is evident in its track record of preparing students to meet the stringent entrance criteria of a wide array of international universities – such as Cambridge, Princeton University, King's College London, University of Amsterdam, Michigan State University, or RWTH Aachen. With its blend of academic rigor, cultural diversity, and forward-thinking approach, ISR International School on the Rhine stands for the guiding principle of enabling great minds and strong characters  - for over two decades!

This is a Direct to School Job
This is a Direct to School Job
Please note that Teach Away provides information on behalf of schools and cannot accept liability for information provided or policies schools may adopt. Be sure to verify all details that apply to you, and check for the latest visa and work permit requirements. For any questions regarding job postings, please contact the school directly. Teach Away believes in diversity and inclusivity, and that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and be considered fairly and equally for employment. We ensure all schools we work with adhere to our pledge to promote inclusivity and diversity in education and recruitment practices.

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