Top English teaching jobs in Trinidad and Tobago

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Note to teachers considering teaching in Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is currently experiencing a period of political unrest and the situation changes on a daily basis. Please check government travel advisories for the most up-to-date information:

Trinidad and Tobago is Hiring! How to teach there

How can you start teaching in Trinidad and Tobago?
Create your free profile on Teach Away and find jobs you qualify for. There you’ll find positions available for certified teachers.
What are the teaching requirements in Trinidad and Tobago?
Certified teachers need a teaching license from their home country and a native English level proficiency.
Do you need TEFL to teach in Trinidad and Tobago?
A TEFL certification is not required to teach there but is very desirable. Having one will help you land teaching jobs faster.
Can you teach in Trinidad and Tobago without a teaching degree?
You can teach English without a degree in Education, but you must have a bachelor’s degree (in any subject).

Options for teaching in Trinidad and Tobago

Ready to dive into a new adventure teaching in the Caribbean? There are opportunities for both certified and ESL teachers at private international schools or language schools across the country.
Private International Schools in Trinidad and Tobago
You’ll take an active role in the learning process through a modern, student-centered teaching approach, intimate classroom sizes and better teacher-student engagement.
You can find teaching jobs ranging from kindergarten through to middle and secondary school positions.
Teaching jobs are opening up in the northwest peninsula of the island of Trinidad and the capital city Port of Spain.
Photo of the beach - Teach in Trinidad and Tobago

Visas for teachers in Trinidad and Tobago

If you want to move to Trinidad and Tobago to teach you’ll need a work visa or residence permit. International schools around the country may assist you with acquiring documents. For more information on the visa process for teachers, check out the following resources:
Visas for US Citizens
Visas for Canadians

Photo of Caribbean architecture - teach in Trinidad and Tobago

Living in Trinidad and Tobago

Home to stunning white-sand beaches, untouched rainforests, laid-back island culture and rich biodiversity. Life in this dual-island nation is sure to be full of adventures, both big and small. From boat trips and scuba diving to chilling on the beach, there are endless chances for fun.

Each island offers something unique to teachers and ex-pats. Trinidad is an action-packed island with colorful festivals, shopping and vibrant nightlife culture. For those looking to chill-out, Tobago is the place to be with its stunning beaches and relaxed atmosphere. Both islands enjoy hot weather all year long, making them a popular tourist destination and the perfect home for sun-lovers.

Trinidad and Tobago is located in the southern Caribbean, a stone’s throw away from mainland South America. It’s easily accessible to other destinations and Caribbean hot spots, making it ideal for teachers looking to travel on their time off.

Photo of building and sea - teach in Trinidad and Tobago

Apply to Teach in Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago at a glance

Country information

Capital: Port of Spain

Language: English, English Creoles, Spanish

Population: 1.3 million

Currency: Trinidad and Tobago dollar (TTD)

Government: Unitary parliamentary democracy

Major religion: Christian

Climate: Tropical with high relative humidity

Quick facts

The population is made up of seven recognized ethnic groups, the largest is the Indian community.

Trinidad and Tobago’s official language is English.

The limbo dance contest originated in Trinidad.

Trinidad and Tobago is home to the world’s largest brain-like coral.

It is the most developed country in the Caribbean.

The literacy rate for adults ages 15 and up is 98.70%.