Teaching in Pakistan
Teaching jobs in Pakistan
Pakistan has a number of international schools, most of which follow British or American curriculum. Licensed teachers can apply to teach in Pakistan’s international schools, most of which are located in the larger cities of Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore. Though English is one of the country’s official languages, ESL is a growing industry in Pakistan, as more people strive to learn English in order to participate in global commerce.
Teaching in Pakistan – Hiring
Schools in Pakistan hire teachers throughout the year.
Living in Pakistan

TEFL Certification for Private School Teachers

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Join the thousands of other professional educators who have partnered with Teach Away to support this dynamic country in developing their education system.
Pakistan at a glance
Country information
Capital: Islamabad
Language: English, Urdu
Population: 182.5 million
Currency: Pakistani rupee (PKR)
Government: Federal parliamentary republic
Quick facts
Pakistan is officially called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
The name Pakistan, Pak (pure) and stan (land) means 'land of the pure' in the Persian and Urdu languages.
The largest city in Pakistan is Karachi which is home to over 13 million people. It is the financial hub of the country and is a major seaport.
Pakistan’s national sport is field hockey, however cricket is the most popular.
Pakistan manufactures more than 50% of World’s hand-sewn soccer balls.
Pakistan has the sixth-largest population in the world, exceeded only by China, India, the United States of America, Indonesia and Brazil.
While Urdu is the national language, English is the official language.