Teach at International School of Gabon Ruban Vert in Gabon
K-12 School
Private school
Latest teaching jobs at International School of Gabon Ruban Vert in Gabon
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Stay tuned for new positions at International School of Gabon Ruban Vert. In the meantime, check out our job board for more teaching jobs worldwide.
About International School of Gabon Ruban Vert
Following the political vision of Gabon to become an emerging presence in a more and more globalised world, the idea of creating an International school arose. Gabonese children will benefit from an education whose vision is to inspire passion for learning and to develop leaders for tomorrow's world. Moreover as the expatriate community is expanding in this part of the world the need for an internationally recognised institution is becoming crucial.
And due to our Central Africa location the Francophone dimension is a very important element hence our bilingual (French / English) section.
The International School of Gabon Ruban Vert is meeting this need. By creating a state of the art campus, recruiting top international faculty and proposing a creative and well recognised curriculum the school is showing how it aims for excellence and its will to be at the forefront of 21st century education.
Having links with the local community through Community Service as well as community sharing of equipment and facilities are also very important traits of the school's ethos and identity.
The whole project has been developed with these elements in mind.
International School of Gabon Ruban Vert contact information
Address: BP 2144, Libreville, Gabon
Phone: +241 04 84 33 80