Teach at GTIIT-Affiliated International School in China
Latest teaching jobs at GTIIT-Affiliated International School in China
About GTIIT-Affiliated International School
GTIIT Affiliated International School is a private, co-educational school located inside the state-of-the-art Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, in Shantou, Guangdong, China. The school will house two programs: the international program for children of overseas expatriates, and the immersion program for children of Chinese nationals. The international program opened in August 2019, enrolling dependents from overseas faculty at the GTIIT University and Shantou University.
The program offers a U.S. style, English medium curriculum, and is a member of the Common Ground Collaborative in developing curriculum that supports students in their conceptual, competency, and character development. In 2021-2022, the school will serve multi-age classes of students from Pre-K to Grade 8. In subsequent years, additional grades will be added through Grade 12. The new K-12 campus is scheduled to open in August of 2022 with the launch of the Bilingual School.
The Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology is modeled after the Technion Institute of Technology of Israel, a leading university in Israel and throughout the world. The vision of GTIIT is to become a world-class international university carrying out cutting-edge research in the fields of science and technology, fostering a high-tech industrial ecosystem in Shantou and Guangdong Province. As its partner, the GTIIT Affiliated Bilingual School aims to establish PreK-12 programs using research-based practice to nurture mindful collaborators and thoughtful global citizens. The School advocates for additive bilingualism, dual language and culture immersion with expatriate and national students alike. The School is committed to providing a cognitive based program where young children learn through active exploration in an environment, which is rich in materials and opportunities to converse, socialize, work, play and negotiate with others. Each child has great learning experiences to meet their academic, social and emotional achievements. The school follows a standard-based system to evaluate the effectiveness of student learning at all ages.
GTIIT Affiliated International School is managed by ISS-ULink, International Schools Services' (ISS) affiliate in China. If you are a passionate educator interested in helping create intentional and innovative learning programs, come join GTIIT Affiliated International School!