Teach at College of Edcuation in Eritrea
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College of Education trains teacher candidates and educators
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Address: , Eritrea
Phone: +291 7111775
Eritrea at a glance
Country information
Capital: Asmara
Language: Tigrinya, Beja, Arabic, Tigre, Kunama, Saho, Bilen, Nara, Afar, English
Population: 5 million
Currency: Eritrean nakfa (ERN)
Government: one-party presidential republic
Major Religion(s): Christianity, Islam
Climate: temperate highlands, arid and semi-arid lowlands
Country quick facts
The Eritrean population is made up of nine recognised ethnic groups, the largest of which is the Tigrayan community.
Eritrea is a multilingual country with no official language. However, Tigrinya is most widely spoken and English serves as the working language.
Eritrea spent most of its modern history under foreign rule. Italy colonized the country at the end of the 19th century. When World War II broke out, they were replaced by a British military administration, and after the War, Eritrea was federated with Et
In 1993, Eritrea officially gained its independence after decades of armed struggle with Ethiopia.
Football and cycling are the most popular sports in Eritrea.
The literacy rate for Eritrean youth aged 15 to 24 years is around 93% for males and 88% for females.