Teach at Banjul American International School in Gambia
Latest teaching jobs at Banjul American International School in Gambia
About Banjul American International School
BAIS offers individualized educational programs in a supportive and warm learning community of staff, students, and parents. The teachers we seek for BAIS embrace the challenges of living in a very small, developing country while delivering the highest educational program expected by the expatriate, diplomatic, and business community. BAIS teachers support each other and often teach combined grade classes. They enjoy the beach and create their social events in between frequent school events that they inspire and organize.
- If you are ready for a school where you give your best to get the best from each learner...
- If you hope to commit to a small, cohesive community...
- Then come Belief - Achieve - Inspire - Succeed at BAIS!
- Contact us at BAIS today to begin the discussion.
The Banjul American International School is an accredited international school providing a meaningful, rigorous American curriculum in a global context. In partnership with local and international communities, we empower students to become enthusiastic, creative, lifelong learners who value integrity, cultural diversity, and global responsibility.