
Make the most of your Teach Away job posting by writing a great description that gets job seekers eager to apply for your open position. Here are the essentials every job description should contain to attract candidates:

1. Be specific, and to the point. What are the exact job requirements? What skills and qualities must your ideal applicant have? Being clear about your job requirements will help qualified candidates easily identify themselves and narrows down your pool of applicants.

2. Sell the position. Explain to candidates why they’ll enjoy teaching at your school. What makes your school and the position so great? Giving a brief description of the school’s environment, its mission, values and the area that the teacher will be living and teaching in is a great way to help them envision themselves teaching at your school.

3. Keep it organized. Use headers and bullet points to summarize the information clearly and concisely. Visually, this helps your ad look more appealing and attractive to candidates. Keeping your ad organized helps candidates scan the job ad to quickly determine whether the position is right for them. If candidates can’t tell whether it’s a good position for them, they won’t apply!

4. Convey enthusiasm! No one likes to read a boring job ad. Job seekers are looking to work for a passionate employer – the job description is likely their first impression of your organization. Keep it professional, but write to get your candidate excited about your opportunity.

5. Proofread. Check your ad carefully to ensure there’s no spelling, grammar, or factual mistakes. Avoiding these types of errors is vital for education organizations.

Sample Job Description

To help you get started, we’ve provided an example of a great job ad. Check it out below!


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