Here’s why you keep missing the boat on recruiting teachers ‍

First, imagine you’re a teacher at an international school. The first few weeks of the term have sped by in a blur of lesson-planning, dusting the cobwebs from your students’ brains, and trying to remember everyone’s name! When you’re not dashing madly between classes, you’re at your desk trying to get ahead on your admin […]

4 steps your school can take to boost its digital health

Last time we went into depth about where your school stands on the digital curve! Remember? (If not…check out the post here and get up to speed.) You probably have a fair idea of where you are on the curve now. Below is an action plan of the steps you might want to take to […]

It’s time to reassess your teacher recruitment strategy

Great teachers are the foundation of your school, but are you doing enough to make sure you attract them? To earn the attention of candidates today, it’s time for international school leaders to start thinking like modern marketers. (I know, that’s probably the last thing you want to hear, marketing is one of those words […]

Why your school needs employer branding and how to get started

Feel like hiring teachers is a bit of a slog these days? Well, better get ready for how much harder it will be in a few years. New international teaching jobs are emerging in their droves, the pool of qualified teachers is dwindling year over year and competition for qualified international educators is getting more […]

5 simple steps to raise your job posting game this year

If you’re only recruiting twice a year, you might start to wonder where all the great teachers are hiding. They’re not. But your school might be if your online presence isn’t quite up to scratch. We surveyed 12,618 teachers for our second annual recruitment report and discovered that: 95% of active job seekers are currently […]

How can African schools compete in the global race for international teachers?

Many of the schools I work with in Africa are overwhelmed by international competition for teachers. They feel they can’t compete with the salaries in places like the Middle East and worry that teachers consider their country poor or unsafe (or both!)? They fret, worry, and inadvertently shut out their dream teachers – because they’ve […]

The teacher shortage is the end of education as we know it. Or is it?

If you’re trying to recruit qualified teachers for schools in America, you’re probably aware of the domestic teacher shortage. Many schools are hemorrhaging teaching talent. In fact, if you’ve read a paper lately, you’ve probably seen one of the big scary headlines about the “Teacher Shortage.” The phrase is a bit of a fear-mongering tactic […]

Is your school dying a digital death?

The 1960s was a remarkable decade for technology. Electronic calculators, computers (so large they filled entire rooms) and the Internet (well…sort of) were making headlines. Audio-visual instruction and overhead projectors were adopted en masse. At the center of it all, educators were given a new lease on teaching. They had more time than ever before […]