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Exclusive event opportunity for Teach Away’s member schools

Connect with dozens of educators who are ready to take on employment opportunities at your school!

Sparkling trophy on a stack of books - Teacher recruitment

Uncapped hiring opportunities

Connect with and hire
as many teachers as
you’d like, with
uncapped hiring
opportunities for a
single, flat fee.

Pointer hand selecting from a list of teachers - Recruiting teachers faster"

Connect with pre-screened candidates

Educators attending this
event are pre-screened
and eagerly seeking
positions in Central
America, Mexico,
Colombia, and the

Fees deducted from broader services

Fees can be deducted
from wider recruitment
services. Current Teach
Away clients will have
the cost of the fair
reimbursed upon your
next renewal.

Pay a single, flat hiring fee of $1,000 USD to join the virtual fair. Fees on wider recruitment services can be deducted off for new and renewing clients.

Teach Away Logo

20 Years of Connecting Great Schools With Great Teachers

For the last 20 years, Teach Away has been connecting great schools like yours with great teachers. Join our exclusive Virtual Fair to engage with vetted, licensed teachers who are eagerly seeking positions in Central America, Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean for a single fee.

Your Trusted Recruitment Partner

Experience the freedom to hire when and whom you want at one low cost.

Easy to use online recruitment platform.

Uncapped job postings.

Access to a diverse pool of quality educators.

Register your school today

Join us in January 2024, to connect with vetted, licensed teachers who are seeking positions in Central America, Mexico, Colombia, and the Caribbean.