“Dear Teach Away, I recently accepted a teaching job offer abroad, and I am not sure what to do with my valuables at home. What do teachers do with their homes, cars, and valuables when they accept a job overseas for years at a time?” – Submitted by Babette D.

Congratulations on accepting a teaching job offer!

The decision on what to do with your belongings when moving abroad can vary greatly depending on your individual situation. Some people choose to leave their valuables with family, while others prefer to put their belongings in storage. Many individuals decide to sell as much as they can before leaving.

Typically, teaching contracts abroad require a commitment of at least 2 years. Many teachers find that this time passes quickly and often end up extending their contracts or finding another international teaching position, which means they may be away from their home country for many years.

If you expect to live abroad for more than 2 years, it may be a good idea to sell as much as possible to minimize expenses back home. Additionally, if you’re a homeowner, renting out your space to long-term tenants may be a more manageable option than renting out your space to short-term renters (i.e. Airbnb) since it requires less maintenance.

Wishing you all the best on your big move and the next chapter of your teaching adventure.

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