Kuwait-16Teach Away is now hiring for new positions in Kuwait! Following successful interview sessions with schools in the UAE and Egypt, Teach Away would like to invite qualified candidates to interview for a newly established elementary school in Kuwait.

New American Elementary School in Kuwait

Interviews will be held in Atlanta (February 19th-20th), Houston (February 22nd-23rd), and New York (February 25th-26th) for a newly established elementary school in Kuwait. Candidates who hold a valid teaching license and a Bachelors Degree in Education are encouraged to apply. These competitive positions offer a tax-free salary, free accommodation, round trip airfare, and health insurance, as well as a resettlement allowance and shipping allowance.For full details and a list of available positions, please see our list of teaching jobs.


Looking for more information on teaching overseas? Visit our Teach in Kuwait page for additional details.

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