Happy Halloween! We hope that everyone is ready for Halloween this weekend. We hope that you enjoy your Halloween candy responsibly and that your costumes are as innovative as ever!

A quick note for those wishing to go abroad early in the new year: deadlines are coming up for some amazing jobs abroad, so pass the word around, and apply today!

Apply at: www.teachaway.com/form/application.php

Finding Teaching Jobs Overseas

Finding a country to teach English in can be a daunting task in itself, let alone trying to find a legitimate company to get you the job. A simple Google search reveals that there are countless individual recruiters offering jobs to teach English all over the world. It is important to do your research before applying to a job and be skeptical when something seems to good to be true.

The unfortunate truth about many internet recruitment agencies is…

Click here to read more about finding teaching jobs overseas.

Dos & Don’ts of Etiquette in Korea

You are excited to start your teaching adventure in Korea and believe that you’ve thought of everything that you need prior to your departure. You get to Korea, meet your employer, and are quickly faced with simple questions on how to handle yourself. You realize that no matter what you read about this country, nobody told you about this little detail!

Read more about proper etiquette in Korea.

Teacher Story – Holidays in Korea by Theresa Nicolai

Theresa recently returned to America after teaching English in the Korean public school system.
Just today I found out that Valentine’s Day in Korea isn’t celebrated quite the same as in the United States; I assumed it was the same. Couples would exchange cards and gifts and go out for a romantic dinner. Now, I know that doesn’t always happen, but I suppose that is the general consensus. On Valentine’s Day in Korea, girls actually buy gifts before the boys…

Click here to read more about Theresa’s teacher story from Korea

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