Welcome to June! This month is bringing plenty of sunshine, along with lots of new jobs for all categories of teachers! We’ll take a look at some of those, as well as a new teaching tool, EssayTagger. Our country spotlight for June is Japan.

Featured Job Updates

June has brought a number of Math and Science positions in Abu Dhabi. These positions are available in both public schools and vocational institutions. Requirements vary for each position, but many are open to teachers who do not have a teaching license (though a license is preferred in each case). See the list below for an overview of open jobs, and follow the link to each individual job posting for a full description of the requirements and benefits:

Math Teaching Jobsabu_dhabi_uae_camels

For licensed teachers only:

Teaching license preferred but not required:

Science Teaching Jobs

For licensed teachers only:

Teaching license preferred but not required:

Teaching Jobs in Related Fields

Teaching license preferred but not required:

As always, you can view the full list of jobs and apply through our website.

Teaching Tool: EssayTagger

So often teachers spend hours marking student writing, only to have students glance at a mark and stuff the essay into a folder (or, even worse – the garbage can!).

EssayTagger helps change the way teachers mark writing assignments, and changes the way that students respond. With this simple online tool, you can quickly and effectively offer your students a formative assessment of their writing.

EssayTagger gives teachers two big advantages:

Stop wasting time on feedback that will be forgotten at best, and ignored at worst. With EssayTagger’s easy drag-and-drop interface, simply flag the problem and hold students accountable for the correction.

Build your own rubric and customize the elements you’re assessing in each assignment in record time. Drag an assessment tool over the essay (thesis, evidence, style, etc.) and immediately customize any feedback you want to give your students. This allows you to mark papers quickly and effectively; you can even use their handy Common Core rubric tool to make sure everything is aligned.

Completed papers are automatically stored in the Cloud, so there is no need to save the file or email it to yourself. EssayTagger can integrate with Google Drive and a number of other tools, so accepting and distributing students’ work is a breeze.

Find out more at EssayTagger’s website: www.essaytagger.com

Country Spotlight: Japan

Teach Away is currently hiring Business English teachers to teach at a private language school in Japan. This respected school provides teachers the opportunity to live in Tokyo while teaching English to adult students. Japan1-e1361401998197

Living in Tokyo is an experience like no other. One of the most popular destinations for teaching abroad, Tokyo is a city where ancient shrines neighbor modern skyscrapers. Teachers can experience the chaotic neon of Shibuya, explore the shopping streets of Harajuku, or escape to one of the city’s many parks or gardens. Residents of Tokyo can visit one of the street stalls grilling chicken skewers, an all-night club, or a relaxing hot spring – and in fact, they can do all of these in one day!

Outside of Tokyo, the rest of Japan offers a number of large cities and small towns. From wild Hokkaido, to the mountainous region of central Honshu, to the islands of Okinawa, Japan offers every kind of geography to suit any traveler. Historic Kyoto is a beautiful destination, only two hours from Tokyo by bullet train.

Teachers hoping to work in these Business English teaching jobs should hold a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline, and should have previous experience teaching adults. Candidates who have TEFL certification are preferred. For more information on the current jobs available, please see our list of teaching jobs abroad.

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