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teaching jobs abroad

Teach Away receives applications from heaps of candidates with a vast array of skills and qualifications from countries all over the globe. On a very basic level, your core qualifications may point to what type of position you’re qualified for. Take the quiz below to answer a very short series of questions about your qualifications to find out what sort of education position might be the best for you!

​​Please keep in mind results of this quiz are meant to give you an idea and a sense of direction. Results of this quiz should not be considered official responses from Teach Away.

Which Teach Abroad Job is Right for Me?

Answer each question honestly, and keep track of your scores. At the end, your total score will reveal what types of teaching jobs abroad you may qualify for.

Which Teach Abroad Job is Right for Me?
Answer each question honestly, and keep track of your scores. At the end, your total score will reveal what types of teaching jobs abroad you may qualify for.

  1. Do you have a bachelor’s degree?
    Yes (8 points)
    No (0 points)
  2. Do you have a TEFL certificate?
    Yes (8 points)
    No (0 points)
  3. Do you have a teaching license?
    Yes (8 points)
    No (0 points)
  4. Do you have a master’s degree?
    Yes (8 points)
    No (0 points)


Add up your points to find out which teaching job abroad you may qualify for:

0-7 points: Not yet qualified…

Unfortunately, you’re not qualified for any of our teaching jobs abroad just yet! But don’t worry – once you’ve completed both your Bachelor’s degree and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification, you’ll be ready to land a job teaching English abroad!

8-15 points: ESL Instructor (well, almost!)

You’re so close to qualifying for English teaching jobs abroad this year! You just need to earn your TEFL certification first, which you can complete in as little as a month! After you’re done, don’t forget to register with Teach Away for instant access to the largest variety of ESL teaching jobs from all over the world!

16-23 points: ESL Instructor

Congrats! You’re qualified for ESL teaching jobs abroad! And we’ve got even better news for you – right now, Teach Away’s Explore Program has a huge range of top English teaching jobs in China in 2018 for qualified ESL instructors just like you! So hurry and be sure to get your application in, stat!

32 points: School Leader

Great news – you’re qualified for a variety of leadership and administration positions at schools all over the world! So what are you waiting for? Sign up to Teach Away today and start applying to our latest principal and administrator vacancies!

24 points: K-12 Teacher

Awesome! You’re qualified for most K-12 (Kindergarten to Grade 12) teaching positions all over the world. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to Teach Away today and start applying to our latest K-12 teaching jobs abroad!

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