Take part in our second live Twitter chat on Thursday, November 20

We’ll be hosting our second live Twitter chat on Thursday, November 20 from 8 – 9 pm GMT with our Placement Coordinator, Kathy Deady. Just like Alexandra did last week, Sean will be taking over the @teachaway Twitter account for 1 hour to answer any and all of your questions.

Sean has been working as a Placement Coordinator with Teach Away for just about a year. Before that, he lived in China and Korea and has traveled to 16 countries throughout Asia. As one of our Placement Coordinators, he is currently working with schools in India, Qatar, the United States, Rwanda, and Abu Dhabi. When he’s not working to find teachers their ideal teaching overseas experiences, he’s enjoying a hockey game or fixing his family one fine meal (he’s also trained as a chef!).  

Our live Twitter chat is your chance to ask Sean anything to do with teaching overseas in one of the countries he focuses on, or about his own personal travel and teaching experience in Asia.

Just like last week, if you’d like to participate, all you have to do is tweet us your question by including the hashtag #askteachaway. Sean will retweet the question before he tweets his answer, that way everyone can follow the Q&A.

If you’re not on Twitter, click here to sign up. Once you’ve signed up, or if you already have an account, just follow @teachaway.

Following the Twitter chat, we’ll be sharing everyone’s questions and answers on our Teach Away blog, so if you can’t participate, you can check in there.

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