Review us & we’ll donate $5 to Education Without Borders

Every year we place tons of teachers around the world and we’re excited as many of our teachers prepare for the upcoming school year. We’re also excited about Education Without Borders, a Canadian non-profit organization committed to fostering educational opportunities and providing educational facilities in disadvantaged regions of the world.

That’s why, from now until June 15th, for every Facebook review we receive, we’ll donate $5 to EwB. Plus, you’ll be entered for a chance to win an Amazon Kindle valued at $119.


*Full details: From June 1st, 2016 to June 15th, 2016, for every Facebook review received, Teach Away Inc. will donate $5 to Education Without Borders. Maximum donation of $2,000. Winner/Prize: The winner will be picked via random draw on June 16th and contacted via Facebook. The winner will receive an Amazon Kindle Paperwhite valued at $119 CAD, and the prize must be claimed within 48 hours or the prize may be forfeited at Teach Away’s discretion.


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