Join us for our final live Twitter Q&A of the year and #askteachaway

Since we’re all getting ready for the holidays, this will be the last live Twitter chat of the year.  If you’ve got burning questions about teaching overseas, our Recruitment Program Manager, Adrian, is going to be tweeting live starting at 8:30 pm GMT (3:30 pm EST) for our hour-long #askteachaway Twitter chat.

A Teach Away veteran, Adrian has worked with us for 5 years and deals with the teacher recruitment for major ESL programs like English First, Maple Bear, and Disney English. But there’s nothing that can stump him at this point, so whether you’re a certified teacher or an ESL teacher won’t matter to Adrian — shoot him any questions you have. Before Teach Away, Adrian taught English in Korea and then in Japan for 3 years.

Adrian works hard but plays hard too. He’s a serious technie who solves all of our office woes. But when he’s not saving our butts, he’s either brushing up on a new language (need any tips for language learning while abroad? He’s got you covered!) or trying out the latest restaurants in Vancouver.

Ask Adrian anything you need answered before you complete your Teach Away profile for the New Year. Just send him a tweet and include the chat hashtag #askteachaway. He’ll retweet the question before he tweets you an answer, that way everyone can follow the Q&A.

If you’re not on Twitter, click here to sign up. Once you’ve signed up, or if you already have an account, just follow @teachaway.

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