Photo of a class example of digital literacy for teachers.

Digital literacy skills for teachers are super important in today’s digital world.

When used effectively, digital tools and technologies are key to cultivating basic digital literacy skills and enhancing learning experiences for your students.

Before you can equip your students with the technological skills they need to safely navigate technology, you also need a certain level of digital literacy yourself.

As a teacher, there’s no better time than now to lead by example and act as a digital role model for your students.

Curious about how your own digital literacy skills stack up? Take this short quiz to find out!

  1. Which is a popular news website famous for reporting fake news with a satirical twist?
    A) The Onion
    B) CNN
    C) CNBC
    D) American News
  2. One of your students is struggling on the 12th page of a Google search. What should you suggest to help this student find more relevant information?
    A) Start a new search with more relevant keywords.
    B) Keep scrolling through pages till they eventually find helpful information.
    C) Go back to the first page of search results and just choose the first option.
    D) Try the same search again and see if Google gives different results.
  3. You want to show your students that social media can be a useful source of information. Which social platform would be best for finding video content?
    A) Instagram
    B) Youtube
    C) Facebook
    D) Twitter
  4. Your student referenced a news website in a paper that you are unfamiliar with. It looks official at first glance, so it should be a credible source.
    A) TRUE
    B) FALSE
  5. You’ve been asked to give a presentation to fellow teachers at your school on digital literacy. What’s the best program to create this presentation?
    A) Word
    B) Excel
    C) OneNote
    D) Powerpoint
  6. Checking the URL of websites is important when spotting fake news. Can you spot the correct URL of the official ABC News website?
  7. What program would be helpful to suggest to students so they can work collaboratively on a project from different locations?
    A) Email
    B) Facebook Messenger
    C) Google Docs
    D) Snapchat
  8. These are all fake news websites, but which is a well-known blog famous for publishing humourous takes on current events?
    A) The Borowitz Report
    B) National Report
    C) 70 Report
    D) DC Gazette
  9. An article posted and shared on Facebook can always be considered a trusted source of information.
    A) TRUE
    B) FALSE

Total your points for your result:

  1. Which is a popular news website famous for reporting fake news with a satirical twist?
    A) 3 points
    B) 0 points
    C) 0 points
    D) 0 points
  2. One of your students is struggling on the 12th page of a Google search. What should you suggest to help this student find more relevant information?
    A) 3 points
    B) 0 points
    C) 0 point
    D) 1 point
  3. You want to show your students that social media can be a useful source of information. Which social platform would be best for finding video content?
    A) 1 point
    B) 3 points
    C) 1 point
    D) 0 points
  4. Your student referenced a news website in a paper that you are unfamiliar with. It looks official at first glance, so it should be a credible source.
    A) 0 points
    B) 3 points
  5. You‘ve been asked to give a presentation to fellow teachers at your school on digital literacy. What’s the best program to create this presentation?
    A) 0 points
    B) 0 points
    C) 0 points
    D) 3 points
  6. Checking the URL of websites is important when spotting fake news. Can you spot the correct URL of the official ABC News website?
    A) 0 points
    B) 0 points
    C) 3 points
    D) 0 points
  7. What program would be helpful to suggest to students so they can work collaboratively on a project from different locations?
    A) 0 points
    B) 1 point
    C) 3 points
    D) 0 points
  8. These are all fake news websites, but which is a well-known blog famous for publishing humourous takes on current events?
    A) 3 points
    B) 0 points
    C) 0 points
    D) 0 points
  9. An article posted and shared on Facebook can always be considered a trusted source of information.
    A) 0 points
    B) 3 points


24-27 points: You definitely know your stuff when it comes to the digital and online media world! You can easily navigate your way around a computer and the online world, and know the best programs to use for what! Not only that, but the media has no chance against you when it comes to decoding fake news and finding the best-of-the-best on every social network. Keep doing what you’re doing, our world is only becoming more and more media focused, and you’re keeping up with it!

Even though you’re a digital pro, don’t sit back and let any new advances fly by you! Professional development is one of the best ways teachers can stay up to date on technology and media trends in the classroom. Consider a course on digital learning to take your digital literacy skills even further!

15-23 points: You are well on your way to becoming digitally literate! You seem to have a good understanding of tech basics, but maybe struggle when it comes to deciphering some more complicated ideas and concepts. With a little more practice, you’ll be spotting fake news and negotiating all things online like a pro!

Remember it’s crucial to continue your digital learning! Consider investing in your own knowledge through a professional development course on digital literacy to gain concrete skills and resources that can be implemented in your classroom!

0-14 points: Oops! Turns out you’re not as digitally literate as you may have thought! Maybe it’s time to think about taking some time to discover more of the online world! With more information being moved online every day, it’s important to be familiar with how information is presented online and how to navigate these platforms!

Consider taking a digital literacy course for teachers and holding a learning session with your students to improve your digital awareness!

Do your digital literacy skills need improvement?

If you’re ready to take your digital literacy skills to the next level and get practical resources like lesson plans and worksheets, try our Digital Literacy course to learn more!

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