Black box.

These are complex and systemic problems, and like so many others, we at Teach Away and Klassroom are taking a look, individually and collectively, at the ways in which we have been complicit in supporting an unjust system, and we are committed to creating a more just system — through our work in teacher education, recruitment and in all aspects of our lives.

All of us at Teach Away and Klassroom were saddened and angered by the murder of George Floyd. 

As a society we’ve been here before, over and over, and over again. Trayvon Martin, Akai Gurley, Tanisha Anderson, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Amber Monroe, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor. The list is too long.  

As an organization, we condemn social and systemic racism that has been afflicting Black people and their communities for centuries. As educators and community leaders, we cannot tolerate indifference, we must speak out, take action, and commit to change. 

These are complex and systemic problems, and like so many others, we at Teach Away and Klassroom are taking a look, individually and collectively, at the ways in which we have been complicit in supporting an unjust system, and we are committed to creating a more just system — through our work in teacher education, recruitment and in all aspects of our lives.


Our work here at Teach Away and Klassroom all stems from our core vision of ensuring every student experiences the power of a great teacher. So we pledge to you, a global community of educators, that we will do the following:

  • Listen and learn – With influence comes responsibility. We are committed to educating ourselves, listening, and engaging in meaningful conversations around race and racism. We know that these are not easy conversations to have, but they serve to enhance our common understanding and sense of community.  
  • Ongoing review of our curriculum – We are committed to championing anti-racist ideas in our Teacher Certification Program. We will work to effectively implement a teacher training curriculum that is inclusive and culturally sensitive, with an annual review to ensure future teachers are receiving the best training possible. 
  • Empower teachers to be great teachers – The best teachers are also students. We are committed to providing teachers and school leaders with the tools and resources they need to show up and be the best they can be. From sharing books and media to continuing our commitment to creating online and accessible training for all educators worldwide. 

In order to be allies and anti-racists, we must hold ourselves and our community accountable, continue to show up, take action and do the work. We may not get it right every time, it may not be perfect, but it is better than not at all. 

We would like to thank the members of our education community that has spoken out and reached out to us. To all of the Black people in our community and beyond: These words are not enough but we are committed to standing up with you and for you.

Education serves as a powerful catalyst for change, so we’ll start with this. Below are some incredible people, organizations, and media that we recommend consuming, sharing, and discussing.

For you:

#DoTheWork – Free 30 day course created by Rachel Cargle. This course is designed to be an eye-opener and a call to action for those who seek to be allies to Black women.

75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice – Originally published in 2017, this article is constantly being updated with actionable things you can do as an ally.

Talking About Race – This article provides some great information to first understand implicit and explicit racism and provide you with tools you need to have productive and effective conversations.

Code Switch – A podcast that explores the Black experience from pop culture to sports, history, music, and everything else in between.

Culturally Responsive Teaching – Covering essential theories around culturally responsive teaching, this online course equips teachers with the essential teaching methods and strategies needed to connect effectively with students and parents of all cultural backgrounds. 

10 Anti-Racism Accounts You Should Follow to Stay Informed – Make the conscious effort to diversify your Instagram feed to include educational content. Here are 10 accounts that dedicate their platform to spreading crucial information, empowering messages, and anti-racist content.

For the classroom:

Teaching about race, racism, and police violence – This comprehensive resource list can help encourage much-needed discussion around implicit bias and systemic racism for students of all ages.

How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them – In this TEDTalk, diversity advocate Verna Myers discusses our biases and how dangerous they can be. 

Talking About Tough Topics In The Elementary Classroom – Uncomfortable topics can come up in the curriculum or classroom discussions. How should we as teachers respond? By confronting it head-on. Not having the conversation could be a matter of life or death.

For your school:

Why America Needs More Black Male Teachers – Despite students of color representing more than half the student population, Black males make up only two percent of the teacher workforce. Find out why that statistic and this lack of diversity has incredibly negative implications for all students.

Safe and Healthy Schools Certification Program – This program helps teachers and school leaders create healthy schools through a safe school certification program. Content includes courses to help educators establish a broader understanding relationship between school culture, climate, and discipline. Including the disproportionality in school discipline outcomes for marginalized and underrepresented populations in the United States. 

For your dollars:

The Loveland Foundation – This foundation was founded to bring opportunity and healing to communities of color, especially to Black women and girls. 

My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (MBKA) – Launched in February 2014 during the Obama administration, My Brother’s Keeper Alliance was created to address persistent opportunity gaps facing boys and young men of color and to ensure all youth can reach their full potential. Today, the MBK Alliance focuses on building safe and supportive communities for boys and young men of color where they feel valued and have clear pathways to opportunity.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) – The NAACP works to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.

24 Ways to Donate in Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement Right Now – A handful of the places and resources worth your time and money, from non-profits and bail funds to books and T-shirts. If you’re in a position to give, these projects and organizations are a good place to start.

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