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In This Episode of School of Talk


What are the benefits of being a teacher?

It’s 2022 and there have never been more options when it comes to career choice.

With so many opportunities at our fingertips, we’ve been contemplating a big question – why teach?

We know that teaching requires a lot of commitment, patience, intrinsic motivation, and passion.

So, why do teachers do what they do?

What makes someone choose this career path over another?

This week’s episode explores why someone would choose this career path over another.

You might be surprised to learn about some of the unique benefits of being a teacher – maybe this episode will inspire you to consider teaching!

A Look at the Landscape

First, let’s break down the current landscape of education.

Let’s be honest, teaching is not an easy job. The role comes with a fair amount of stress, high expectations, growing class sizes, and the need to constantly be on your toes – and that was all before the global pandemic hit.

Over the last couple of years, teachers have had to pivot between in-person and virtual classrooms, follow new mandates, support the mental health of the students in their class, and focus on their own mental well-being, all while managing their typical teaching expectations.

If you’re a teacher, we’re here to send you a big congratulations on making it through!

You truly are heroes.

But don’t let the challenges allow you to avoid the career entirely.

There are so many positive aspects to teaching. 

Making an Impact is one of the Greatest Benefits of Being a Teacher

Probably the best thing about being a teacher is that you get to make a real difference.

By working closely with youth of all ages, you can impact the entire world at a fundamental level.

Many educators will say that they love their job because of the impact they’ve had on their students, the “aha moments” they get to witness, and the ability they have to make a positive impact on the future generation of leaders.

We truly believe that learners love to learn from teachers who love to teach and inspiring the next generation is a real perk of the job!

Career Flexibility

Another awesome thing about teaching is the career flexibility teaching offers.

Not only can teachers explore teaching a variety of age levels and subjects, but there are also many different career paths within the education field that educators can explore.

Whether you’re interested in entering into a leadership role, a specialist role, or stepping outside the classroom to work in a museum or center, there are many unique avenues educators can explore.

In addition, teaching is a great way to travel to the world!

For those that want to live abroad, teaching offers endless opportunities to earn money while exploring a new country.

Whether you choose to teach online or at a school, a teaching license can be your passport to a new career adventure.

Career Stability

Another great thing about teaching is that it’s very stable.

In fact, during the global pandemic, while other career sectors faced major layoffs and instability, teaching remained steady.

Teaching is a recession-proof career that’s appealing to those who appreciate consistency.

Plus, since there’s a shortage of teachers in America, it offers a lot of opportunities for job seekers.

Never Boring

Another huger perk of this career is the fun, engaging environment it allows for.

Unlike many other career paths, teaching does not require you to sit at a desk all day, locked into a computer.

In fact, most teachers spend their day moving and interacting with their students.

Educators will tell you that no two days are alike in their career and the variety is a great way to keep them engaged and interested.

Additionally, working in a school allows for a sense of community that differs from other workplaces.

School assemblies, classroom community building, and staff friendships are just a few of the things teachers will tell you they love most about their jobs.

Considering becoming a teacher?

It’s safe to say that teaching is a unique and wonderful career path.

We often hear about the passion teachers have for educating their students, but there are so many other benefits that don’t always get spoken of. 

If you’re interested in teaching, we can almost guarantee that the profession has something to offer you.

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