Update – Please Read: once you have received your e-ticket, there is no need to confirm the details in the comments to this post. If you need to communicate something to your Placement Coordinator, please do so by email. Your Placement Coordinator will not be checking the comments to this post.

Confirming Your Itinerary

Please bear in mind the travel agent is organizing flights for 950 teachers as well as, in many cases, teachers’ dependants. This means they have many emails going back and forth. Therefore it is very important to remember to use clear, concise language and to limit the number of emails you send.

As soon as you receive your itinerary and visa, please choose “reply all” and send an email that states the following:

  • The details on your visa are correct / incorrect (if incorrect, please specify what needs to be changed)
  • The flight details are correct / incorrect (if incorrect, please specify what needs to be changed)
  • The name and nationality of any dependants you have listed in your application who you would like to travel with you. You will also need to attach clear color copies of each of their passports.

**Please be sure to reply by email and not as a comment to this post**

Some examples:

1. “I confirm all details on my visa and flight itinerary are correct. Please issue my e-ticket”

2. “I confirm all details on my visa and flight itinerary are correct. Please add my dependants Sam Smith (Canadian) and Emma Smith (Canadian) to my itinerary. Colour copies of their passports are attached”

3. “I have received my visa and itinerary, but my first name is spelled wrong on both. It should read ‘Lottie,’ not ‘Loti.’ Please amend.”

Frequently Asked Questions

My date of birth is not correct

Please note that the UAE uses the following date format: DD/MM/YYYY.  If this is still not correct, please let the travel agent know.

My visa / flight itinerary has my name spelled wrong

Reply to the travel agent’s email with your correct name clearly spelled out, and state where it appears incorrectly (on your visa / itinerary / both)

My dependants have not received a visa

Only teachers are issued a visa prior to the arrival in the UAE. Dependants who have been approved for travel will receive a tourist visa upon arrival at the airport. They will receive a residency visa once your residency is finalized and you are able to sponsor them.

My visa incorrectly lists me as being ‘accompanied by none / wife / husband’

Please ignore this field, as it will not impact your entry to Abu Dhabi and does not reflect the dependants in ADEC’s records.

My itinerary only includes flights for me

If you wish your family to travel with you, please email to confirm your flight and attach a copy of the passport for each dependent as well as their name and nationality. Please note that only dependants who  were listed on your application prior to your in-person interview will be added.

Time Frame

As soon as your visa is approved, the travel agent will issue a ticket. This is an individualised process; therefore, teachers are not pre-assigned groups. Unfortunately, Teach Away does not receive updates from the Embassy during the process. Once your flight has been booked, your itinerary and visa will be emailed to the address that was provided to ADEC at the time of your in-person interview.

Understandably, when such a large number of people are being mobilized, some errors do occur. Please try not to rely on information shared on social media sites. Instead be assured that as soon as Teach Away sees an itinerary, we will also contact teachers directly. Should it be apparent that the wrong email address was used, we will rectify this.

Please remember that many people are working hard at this point to ensure your journey to the UAE goes as smoothly as possible. We encourage teachers to communicate politely and professionally with the agencies at all times.

Happy travels!

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