Is your school doing its best to develop and retain teachers?

As a school, it is your top priority to invest in and retain the right teachers for your classroom.  The question is, how does one successfully do that? Teach Away has created a webinar series, ‘How to successfully Recruit, Train and Retain great teachers in 2022’ to help prepare your school for the competitive and […]

Should you add salary to your teacher job postings?

The first step towards securing the ideal candidate is how you portray a job.  And so, embracing transparency when it comes to posting salaries is an integral part of long-term teacher recruitment and retention.  Salary transparency can create more trust and fairness in the job process! At the end of the day, you want to […]

Do your online job postings attract the best candidates?

Understanding how to successfully recruit great teachers in 2022 is beneficial for the long-term well-being of your school. High teacher turnover can lead to much administrative turmoil, creating an undesirable outcome for everyone.  That is why Teach Away has created a How To Successfully Recruit, Train and Retain Great Teachers in 2022 webinar series.  This […]

What international teaching candidates are looking for in 2022

Every year the recruitment landscape for international education changes just a little.  This has certainly been the case over the last two years.  The reality is, the global pandemic created a challenge for almost every stage of recruitment. Border and school closures, vaccine regulations, and the cancellation of in-person events required all parties to reconsider […]

Increasing teacher applications with landing pages

Does your school have a web landing page designed specifically for your teacher recruitment? Landing pages serve a very distinct purpose over a vacancies page on your website. Generation Z teachers in particular do not want to be hunting through navigation bars and clicking numerous links until they find the information they require. This is […]

How teaching English abroad expands cultural awareness and world views

We’re more interconnected than ever before.  Increased migration has given birth to more diverse communities, while improvements in transportation, trade, and communication have all played a part in creating a more global world.  Multiculturalism has encouraged us to learn more about each other and appreciate our similarities and differences, also helping us understand why we […]

5 reasons why recruitment diversity is beneficial for international education

Recruitment diversity is a concept that encompasses more than we sometimes realize. Topics related to race, gender, nationality and sexuality tend to frame many discussions on building more inclusive environments, but there is so much more to understanding diversity. It can also include disabilities, a person’s socio-economic background, age, education, religious beliefs and political opinions. For […]