Is a TEFL certification necessary for an experienced teacher?

Picture this: you’re an experienced teacher who is used to teaching native English speakers at home. You walk into a classroom full of eager foreign learners for the very first time. The class is just as excited as you are, but despite this, something just isn’t clicking when the lesson begins. After a bit of […]
Abu Dhabi public school teachers complete first professional development week
Photo credit: ADEC This week, the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) launched their first ever professional development week, held across 48 different school locations in the region for over 11,000 teachers. The Tanmia Professional Development Week was an extension of existing training courses that ADEC teachers receive every week, providing new strategies, tools, hands-on-experiences, and […]
5 things teachers must do this summer
Just in case you hadn’t noticed – it’s summer time! Whether you’ve been teaching abroad or at home, the coming weeks of freedom are the perfect opportunity to reflect on the past year’s successes and challenges, while applying what you’ve learned to your plans for the year ahead. We highly recommend indulging in the following: […]