Making your classrooms student-centered

As teachers, our main focus is educating students. But how often do you ask yourself: are my lesson plans student-centered? Or most importantly: is my classroom student-centered? This isn’t only a question for teachers teaching younger learning groups like elementary-aged students. Teachers of university-level students need to be conscientious of this as well. It’s important […]

Diversity in the classroom: A checklist for culturally responsive teachers

Whether this is your first teach abroad stint or you’re currently on your fifth contract renewal, it’s always worth evaluating your teaching style and pedagogy to look for areas to improve. In both private international schools as well as public schools, you will encounter a great variety of cultural backgrounds and it’s important as a […]

Get to know your students with these fun activities

Many of you have likely started your teach abroad placements and are still getting to know your classroom (or maybe even classrooms!) of students. Whether you’re an ESL teacher or a certified teacher in a public or international school, the better you know your students as individuals, the better placed you’ll be when it comes […]