Teach English in the Dominican Republic

Teaching English in the Dominican Republic Certified teachers and TEFL teachers interested in teaching English in the Dominican Republic will find most of the international and ESL schools located in urban centers like Santo Domingo and Santiago. Though there are positions in more rural areas throughout the country, the most competitive salaries will be located […]
Teach in Slovenia
Teaching in Slovenia Options for teaching in Slovenia Teachers in Slovenia will find most teaching jobs in bigger towns and cities such as Ljubljana and Maribor, where most of the international schools and private language schools are. Salary and benefits while teaching in Slovenia Teaching Benefit Type Teaching Benefit Details Yearly Salary $700 – $1,000 […]
Teach in Guyana
Private International School Teaching Jobs in Guyana Most private international schools in Guyana are located in Georgetown, the country’s capital city. Teachers can expect to earn a salary that may seem modest by Western standards, but that will provide more than enough for living comfortably in Guyana. Teaching jobs in Guyana typically pay $1,000 USD […]
Teach in Peru
Teaching in Peru Options for teaching in Peru ESL teachers hoping to teach English in Peru can find jobs in major cities, as well as many smaller villages. The capital city of Lima provides the most opportunity, although there are plenty of ESL jobs in Cusco due to the booming tourism industry. TEFL certification is […]
Teach English in Chile
Teaching in Chile Chile is working to expand access to English education to students throughout the country. Many educators looking for teaching jobs in Chile can find positions in language institutes – often located in the nation’s larger cities – as well as high schools and colleges throughout the country. Teaching jobs in high schools […]
Teach English in Hungary
Teaching English in Hungary Teachers in Hungary will find most teaching opportunities in bigger towns and cities such as the capital, Budapest, where the majority of international schools, private language schools, colleges and universities are located. Salary and benefits while teaching in Hungary Teaching Benefit Type Teaching Benefit Details Yearly Salary $900 to $1000 USD/month. […]
Teach in Puerto Rico
Teaching in Puerto Rico Both certified teachers and TEFL teachers interested in teaching in Puerto Rico will find most of the international and ESL schools located in urban centers like San Juan and Ponce. Though there are positions in more rural areas throughout the country, the most competitive salaries will be located in bigger institutions […]
Teach in El Salvador
Teaching in El Salvador Options for teaching in El Salvador Teaching English in El Salvador can be done in private language schools, many of which welcome new teachers. However, holding a recognized TEFL certificate is usually required in order to teach English in larger language institutes. Public schools in El Salvador may also hire English […]
Teach in Slovak Republic
Teaching in Slovak Republic Options for teaching in Slovak Republic Teachers in Slovak Republic will find most teaching opportunities in bigger towns and cities like the capital, Bratislava, as well as smaller cities and towns like Piešťany and Trenčín, where the majority of international schools, private language schools, colleges and universities are located. Salary and […]
Teach in Grenada
Teaching in Grenada Options for teaching in Grenada Because Grenada is an English-speaking country, most teaching jobs are for licensed educators to teach in private schools. Licensed educators from other English-speaking countries who have at least 2 years of previous experience can apply to teach in Grenada. Most jobs will be concentrated in the capital […]