Which states have teaching license reciprocity and how does it work?

Teachers in the United States need to take classes and pass exams to obtain a teaching license. But that license is administered on the state level, meaning that it won’t necessarily be accepted in another state. So, what if you want to move across the country? Are teaching credentials transferable between states? There is a […]
How To Be A Better Teacher In 2023
Teachers have the opportunity to be leaders in the classroom and school environment. But what does it mean to be a leader that is conscious, heart-centered, and aware of their students’ diverse needs? We live in a multicultural world and the classroom reflects this reality. Students come from various cultural backgrounds, and learning how to […]
Teach Away TCP Awarded National AAQEP Accreditation
Teach Away’s Teacher Certification Program Proves the Importance of Quality Teacher Preparation Programs. On November 19th in a Hawai’i Teacher Standards Board meeting, NBI 21-17 was adopted. A whoop of excitement rose from the screens as our Teach Away TCP team celebrated this incredible milestone. Teach Away’s Teacher Certification Program in the State of Hawai’i […]
Digital literacy skills for teachers: are you digitally literate? [Quiz]
Digital literacy skills for teachers are super important in today’s digital world. When used effectively, digital tools and technologies are key to cultivating basic digital literacy skills and enhancing learning experiences for your students. Before you can equip your students with the technological skills they need to safely navigate technology, you also need a certain […]
The importance of cultural intelligence (CQ) for teachers
We’ve got some fantastic insight on what could be the most significant contributing factor to your success as an (international) educator: “The number one predictor of success in today’s borderless world [is your] cultural intelligence.” – David Livermore Research conducted in 30+ countries over the past ten years revealed that those with high cultural intelligence – […]
5 of the best digital literacy resources for teachers [+ free lesson plan]
Bringing digital tools and technologies into the classroom has become essential in today’s digital world. As educators, we know that our pedagogical skills, knowledge and strategies need to adapt – and adapt quickly – to keep up. It takes skill to discern information on the web and help your students spot fake news. That’s where digital literacy […]
5 steps to becoming a culturally responsive teacher
What is culturally responsive teaching? It’s much more than just recognizing your students’ cultural background (although that’s a good start). Culturally responsive teaching, or cultural intelligence in education, helps create a learning environment that is engaging and accessible to a broader range of students. As a teacher in today’s multicultural classroom, fostering culturally responsive teaching […]
5 ways teachers can help their students easily spot fake news
Fake news is a popular term and a matter of heated debate today, especially in politics. So, what is fake and what is real? And how do we protect our students from misinformation? Those are questions all of us teachers have asked at some point or another. As we’ve seen first hand, fake news and manipulating information online […]
Become a better teacher with our professional development courses
As a teacher, you never stop learning. There will be lessons you totally nail, “ah-ha!” moments that you make possible, and a ton of cute thank you cards on your desk at the end of the year. Most days, however, you’ll walk out of a lesson thinking about what went well and what you need […]
The difference between computer literacy and digital literacy
The pandemic has drastically changed schooling. Schools around the world were forced to close and switch to digital learning overnight. So, why is it important for both students and teachers to possess digital literacy skills? Digital literacy helps students and educators safely navigate digital environments. And it goes beyond just knowing how to use a computer and […]