Things I wish I knew before I moved to South Korea to teach English

Teach Away’s Katie spent a year teaching ESL in Anyang, South Korea, before travelling around Asia. She shares her tips below on what she wishes she knew before moving to the land of Kim Chi and K-pop.   As a new teacher, patience is key.   I knew that becoming an ESL teacher in a […]

Join us for our final live Twitter Q&A of the year and #askteachaway

Since we’re all getting ready for the holidays, this will be the last live Twitter chat of the year.  If you’ve got burning questions about teaching overseas, our Recruitment Program Manager, Adrian, is going to be tweeting live starting at 8:30 pm GMT (3:30 pm EST) for our hour-long #askteachaway Twitter chat. A Teach Away […]

Diversity in the classroom: A checklist for culturally responsive teachers

Whether this is your first teach abroad stint or you’re currently on your fifth contract renewal, it’s always worth evaluating your teaching style and pedagogy to look for areas to improve. In both private international schools as well as public schools, you will encounter a great variety of cultural backgrounds and it’s important as a […]

8 Things I learned from teaching in Tokyo

I spent five years living in Tokyo, starting out as an English teacher in a language school. Teaching in Tokyo left me with thousands of memories and many lessons learned. Here are some of them: Food is better when shared. Having previously taught in China, I was used to the “shared” style of eating where […]

Join us on Twitter tomorrow afternoon and #askteachaway

We know you’ve all got questions about teaching overseas, so to answer those questions, our International Schools’ Recruitment Manager, Rebecca Young, is going to be available at 8:30 pm GMT (3:30 pm EST) for our weekly #askteachaway Twitter chat. Rebecca has worked at Teach Away for over a year, and deals with the recruitment for […]

Holiday traditions around the world

Teaching overseas during the holidays? Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, we hope you’ll have the chance to enjoy some of these unique Christmas traditions from around the world. Brazil Brazilians often begin celebrating on Christmas Eve with fireworks, which can be spectacular displays. Many people also celebrate with barbecues, although traditional Christmas dinner usually […]

Teach Away Telegram – December 2014

Keys to a successful in-person interview As teacher hiring season kicks off and in-person interviews are being scheduled this month and next, we thought we’d share with you some tips to make a great impression when you sit down with school principals and school officials for your interview. First thing’s first: you should really take […]

Teachers that inspire us: Bruce Farrer

For decades, Bruce Farrer has been asking his high school students to write letters to their future selves. He impressed upon his students that the 10-page letters should be carefully and thoughtfully written, as he wholeheartedly planned to mail them back to his students after twenty years had passed. Bruce has kept his promise, tracking […]

#askteachaway is back with our Placement Coordinator, Ben

We get it, last week many of you were too busy enjoying Thanksgiving turkey to participate in our Twitter chat. Elaine’s feelings weren’t too hurt. But we’re back again today at a new time: 6 pm EST, with one of the newest additions to our recruitment team: Ben. Ben has really hit the ground running: […]

Traveling 101: Surviving long haul flights

If someone told you that they enjoyed long haul flights, you’d probably do a double-take. That’s because there’s nothing much to enjoy about being on a plane for 10+ hours. It’s tough to stretch out your legs and get comfortable enough to sleep, the food isn’t anything to write home about, and you can’t account […]