Canadian Schools Take on Big Tech

Five more Canadian school boards and two private schools have joined multiple ongoing lawsuits. Canadian schools are suing big tech companies over addictive platforms harming students to compensate for the massive strain on resources. What’s the Situation? Five more Ontario school boards and two private schools have joined multiple ongoing lawsuits against major tech companies […]

How To Use ChatGPT-4o In Your Classroom | AI and Education

As an AI language model, ChatGPT-4o offers exciting possibilities for educators. Here are some practical ways teachers can leverage ChatGPT-4o to enhance teaching and learning experiences: Enhanced Language Comprehension and Context Understanding Feature: Improved language comprehension and context understanding. How to Use It: When students ask questions or seek clarification, teachers can rely on GPT-4o […]

The Role of Napping Spaces in Schools | School of Talk Podcast by Teach Away

The concept of napping in schools has emerged recently as a potential solution to address various challenges faced by both students and teachers. From enhancing focus and productivity to reducing burnout, the benefits of incorporating napping spaces in educational institutions are becoming increasingly evident. On this episode of our podcast for educators School of Talk, […]

Why Mexico is an Emerging Destinations For Teachers

Mexico’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, enchanting cities, crystal clear beaches, and vibrant culture has long been a destination for those seeking a heavenly escape from the routine of everyday life. It’s no wonder that Mexico is emerging as an enticing destination for teachers. With a growing economy, expanding education sector, and diverse cultural landscape, teachers […]

7 Tips on How to Become A Good Online Teacher

Teaching is tough. It takes a long time to master a subject and some extra courage to share the knowledge you’ve gained. Also, you’ll need special skills to deliver the message so others can get it and implement what they’ve learned from you.  Online teaching is even more challenging. In a classroom, you can trace […]