The Perks of Being a Teacher | Podcast | Solo

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In This Episode of School of Talk APPLE | SPOTIFY | ANCHOR What are the benefits of being a teacher? It’s 2022 and there have never been more options when it comes to career choice. With so many opportunities at our fingertips, we’ve been contemplating a big question – why teach? We know that teaching requires […]

Which states have teaching license reciprocity and how does it work?

Teachers in the United States need to take classes and pass exams to obtain a teaching license.  But that license is administered on the state level, meaning that it won’t necessarily be accepted in another state. So, what if you want to move across the country? Are teaching credentials transferable between states?  There is a […]

Women teachers who made history by changing the world

The impact that teachers make, inside and outside of the classroom, ripples far and wide.  Making a difference is pretty much written into the job description, and every day teachers change the world in a number of ways, both large and small.  Whether it’s setting a student on a new path, helping your school find […]

Interview: Dr. Jody Carrington and the Power of Building Connections | Podcast Ep. 3

In This Episode of School of Talk ANCHOR | APPLE | SPOTIFY This episode features Dr. Jody Carrington. Jody has assessed, treated, educated, and empowered some of our most vulnerable and precious souls on the planet. She is a child psychologist by trade, but Jody rarely treats kids. The answer lies, she believes, in the people […]

10 entertaining homework ideas for online English Language Learners

Did hearing the words, “do your homework,” when you were a child excite you?  For most of us, the word homework doesn’t conjure up exciting or fun memories.  Homework was likely one of the last things you wanted to do as a student! However, what if you could make homework fun for students? What if […]

How to start teaching English in Spain | Q & A with RVF International

Are you planning to travel and teach English in Spain? There isn’t much to debate when it comes to this decision. Spain is one of the most sought-after teaching destinations in the world. If you’re interested in teaching in a country with some of the world’s best culinary dishes, historic sites, and a 4-day work […]

Culturally Responsive Teaching | Podcast | Solo

In This Episode of School of Talk APPLE | SPOTIFY | ANCHOR This episode is all about culturally responsive teaching. If you’re passionate about making your school and classroom a welcoming place for all students, you’ll want to listen to this one. We’re breaking down what culturally responsive teaching is and how you can practice […]

Interview: All About Ed Tech, with Chris J. Nesi | Podcast Ep. 2

In This Episode of School of Talk ANCHOR | APPLE | SPOTIFY This episode features Christopher J. Nesi. Chris is a teacher, host of the podcast House of #EdTech. Technology and its role in education are his professional passion. Chris is on the cutting edge of educational technology trends and he is a creative, detail-oriented, […]

How To Be A Better Teacher In 2023

Teachers have the opportunity to be leaders in the classroom and school environment.  But what does it mean to be a leader that is conscious, heart-centered, and aware of their students’ diverse needs?  We live in a multicultural world and the classroom reflects this reality. Students come from various cultural backgrounds, and learning how to […]

Best online side businesses for teachers and professionals

If you are a teacher looking to make an extra side income or shake things up with a career change, you’re in the right spot.  Teachers possess skills that are highly transferable to other professions and careers. An online side business might be just what you need!  Plus, there are a lot of online side businesses […]