5 tips for teaching English in Japan as a long-term career (from someone who’s done it)

Teaching English in Japan doesn’t have to be a short-term adventure. If you’re considering TEFL as a long-term career in Japan, here’s the scoop on how to do it. To get some solid TEFL career tips for teaching English in Japan, we decided to go straight to the source and talk to someone who’s been […]
5 tips for getting a TEFL certification online while you travel
Need a TEFL certification but you’re itching to take off to a faraway place ASAP? You can travel the world and get certified at the same time with an online TEFL certification course. As Teach Away’s TEFL Program Lead, I get a lot of questions from prospective students who want to get certified but don’t […]
Get paid to travel: How you can make money while you travel by teaching English online
Have you ever wondered how some people can afford to travel around the world for months or years at a time without working a 9-to-5 job? Same! So when I looked into ways to make money while traveling, I found that teaching English online is a great option. Since all you need to teach online […]
How to get a TEFL job abroad teaching business English to adults
If you’re thinking about teaching English abroad, you might have plenty of questions, but there’s one thing you probably already have strong feelings about: whether or not you want to teach children or adults. Teaching young learners can be extremely enjoyable and rewarding, but it (understandably) may not be the best fit for everyone. It’s […]
Is it safe to teach English in China? Yes, of course!
China remains one of the most popular places to teach English abroad and plenty of teachers who’ve worked there can tell you what a great adventure teaching in China really is. Not to mention that it’s a top TEFL destination for saving money, which you can spend on whatever you want – like traveling the […]
5 reasons why you need a TEFL certification to teach English abroad
If you’re just starting to research teaching English abroad – and don’t have all the lingo down yet – you may be asking yourself: what’s a TEFL certificate? Well, if you’re dreaming of teaching English abroad and seeing the world, a TEFL certificate is your ticket to making your dreams come true – it was […]
Life after teaching abroad: 5 tips for transitioning back to life at home
All great adventures must come to an end, and for most TEFL teachers this means packing up your suitcases, saying your goodbyes and heading back home. If you haven’t been in your home country for a few months or years, whether you’re thrilled to be back or longing for the place you just left, transitioning […]
How to choose the right TEFL course for you
Congrats, you’ve made the life-changing decision to teach English abroad! But before you start packing your suitcase for this exciting new chapter in your life, there is one thing you’ll need to get to set yourself up for success: a TEFL certificate. In case you need a refresher, TEFL stands for teaching English as a foreign language. […]
The 5 best places to save money teaching abroad
Okay, so you’ve made up your mind to teach English abroad and now comes the exciting part: choosing where to go. Some people make this decision based on a lifelong obsession with a certain culture, or just a few breathtaking photos they see online. But for others, choosing where to teach might not be so […]
What It’s Really Like to Teach English in Japan: A Teacher’s Perspective
Teaching English in Japan is unlike teaching, well, anywhere else in the world. Not only is it a country full of magnificent sites – both natural and historic – but it also has a rich culture with many beautiful customs. While we have previously covered a few tips and tricks for getting ready to teach English […]