Thinking of teaching abroad? Here’s how much it’s going to cost you

Teaching English abroad can be one of the best financial decisions you make as a young professional—once you start working! But before you begin earning a steady income from teaching English, there are financial costs involved in moving countries and starting up somewhere new. Prior to signing an ESL job contract, it’s important that you—as […]
Everything you need to know about teaching in a hagwon
South Korea is a great destination for TEFL teachers and if you’re thinking of teaching there you’ve probably already realised the first decision you’ll need to make: public school or hagwon? Um, what is a hagwon? Hagwons are private schools that many South Korean students attend outside regular school hours to get in some extra […]
Should you apply for EPIK, GEPIK, SMOE or GOE in South Korea?
If you’ve set your sights on teaching in a public school in South Korea, you’re in for an awesome experience. Alongside the thrill of jetting off to a new country, you also get great job security to boot and a pay packet that isn’t too shabby at all. In other words, maximum adventure with minimum […]
How to land a job teaching English in Italy
Teaching English in Italy certainly sounds attractive. Of all the opportunities to teach abroad in Europe, it’s one of the most popular. Whether you’re looking for a snug rural town or a boisterous city, you’re bound to find an ESL teaching position that suits you. Let’s paint the picture (mostly because I want to talk […]
How to land a teaching job in Spain
If you’ve ever thought about teaching abroad in Europe, then it’s more than likely that teaching English in Spain has crossed your mind. It’s got a booming ESL industry and teachers flock there in search of daytime naps and sangria. We’re sure there are other incentives, but daytime naps, how could you not? Siestas and […]
How to land a job teaching English in Germany
Why should I teach English in Germany? Good question! There are plenty of compelling reasons, not the least the fact that it borders nine other countries. Um… yes, nine! And to make that even more attractive, the rail-system is next-level impressive. So if you’re planning to teach English in Europe, it makes sense to choose […]
How much you can save teaching English in China
There are more and more teachers looking to teach English in China. It’s by no means a new phenomenon – teachers have been pilgrimaging to this ancient country for longer than any of us have been alive. The first American missionary was Elijah Coleman Bridgman (what a name!) who arrived in 1830! What’s new is […]
Where on earth should I teach English abroad? [With free TEFL country comparison chart]
One of the trickiest parts of moving abroad to teach is figuring out where you should actually go. (Been there, done the excessive amounts of paperwork…and fallen into our fair share of internet rabbit holes along the way). At Teach Away, there isn’t a day that goes by without someone asking one of us what […]
11 awesome cities where you can teach English in China
Teaching English in China is one of the fastest growing markets for newly-minted TEFL teachers. And that’s with the ESL industry going from strength to strength. Most of us (at the very least) have friends who’ve jetted off to Asia – rarely to be seen again. Some of us are probably already in Asia leading […]
Top countries to make the most money teaching abroad [+ job postings]
Teaching abroad can be about so much more than just traveling and escaping the 9-to-5 grind for a year or two. We all know that money isn’t everything in life. But for so many of us, teaching abroad isn’t just about seeing the world and experiencing life in a new country. Teaching abroad can also […]