Teacher talks: What it’s really like teaching English in China

If you haven’t read it, here’s the first part of our Teacher Talks series with Dave on the differences between teaching ESL to kids vs. adults. And if you don’t have time for that, let me catch you up. Dave Stewart is a placement coordinator for the Explore Program in China. He spent several years […]
Teacher talks: Teaching ESL to kids vs. adults
Dave Stewart is a former ESL teacher who currently works as a Placement Coordinator for the Explore Program in China. He has oodles of teaching experience and has spent three and a half years in South Korea teaching children, followed by a year teaching adults in China. He’s in a unique position to discuss the […]
30-second commutes to teaching in Spain: The most inspiring teacher stories of 2018
It’s that time of year: curl up, get a steamy mug of hot chocolate (marshmallows optional) and have a little bout of nostalgia. We’re taking a look back at some of the teachers that inspired us in 2018. Teachers are the hearts and minds running our schools and leading the next generation to greater things, […]
How much money can you make teaching English in Thailand?
While money isn’t everything when it comes to teaching in Thailand, it is key to helping you fund your travels and a better lifestyle…as well as saving up money or paying off debt (if those happen to be your financial goals!) So it’s no surprise that English teaching salaries in Thailand continue to be a […]
Attention online English teachers: What China’s new crackdown on regulations means for you
Online English teaching forums and Facebook groups are buzzing with the news of regulations being implemented by the Chinese Education Ministry in January 2019. There have been talks of this for a while, but the current buzz was caused by a bunch of the bigger Chinese online teaching companies sending out memos to their current […]
Teaching English online with Wall Street English: Sarah’s story
Sarah Di Paola sat down for a chat about her experiences as an online English teacher with Wall Street English. As an event planner, an online ESL teacher for adult learners and an artist, Sarah is the first to admit she doesn’t always get enough sleep, but she wouldn’t want it any other way. She […]
How much can you save as an English teacher in Japan?
Teaching English in Japan has one of the most attractive salaries for ESL teachers while still giving you heaps of opportunities to save and travel. The cost of living can vary depending on where you live but the salary offered will more than cover any expenses you might have. And that’s without even considering the […]
Where to find honest reviews for online English teaching companies
If you’ve spent any time at all researching online English teaching jobs, you will be alarmed at how fake some of these sites look. It’s not uncommon for a stock image of a man in headphones to take up 90% of the screen and for the other 10% of the screen to be occupied by […]
Q&A: Everything you need to know about teaching English to adults online
I was recently chatting with a friend who has been teaching adult ESL students for years. He lives in Ireland so the opportunities are limited and although he’s planning to teach abroad eventually, there are a few personal reasons why he needs to be in his home country for now. For years, he’s had to […]
Teaching in China on a tourist visa: Can it be done?
In the past, it was common practice for English teachers to arrive and work in China on a tourist visa, while waiting for their employers to transition them to the correct Z visa status. However, teaching English in China on a tourist visa (otherwise known as an L visa) is a route we don’t recommend […]