What’s the average salary for a teacher in China?

So, you’re thinking about teaching in China? Great! For the young and uncommitted fresh (or not-so-fresh) graduate , China offers thousands of teaching opportunities to finance a grand travel adventure or even pay off that dreaded student debt. All you need is that undergrad degree + native-level English skills + TEFL certificate and you’re good […]
7 best teach abroad programs for recent college graduates
As the exhilaration of finally graduating fades, you’re going to be faced with some significant decisions. For many graduates, the post-university months can be pretty terrifying. You’ve literally no clue what to do – and if you have to move back home while you figure it out – your parents’ house may feel smaller than […]
Can I get a job teaching in Japan if I don’t have a college degree?
With college tuition costs soaring worldwide, many people don’t have the time (or money) to earn a college or university degree. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean your lack of a degree is an automatic barrier to teaching English abroad. In fact, we wrote a blog post listing countries that don’t require a degree to teach […]
Everything you need to know about all expenses paid English teaching jobs abroad
Moving to a new country to teach English is no mean feat. Job hunt aside, you have to find a place to live, sort out visas, health insurance. Read this: Teaching English abroad: A step-by-step plan Wouldn’t it be nice if some kindly employer swooped in and said they’d do it all for you? AND […]
Can I teach English abroad for the summer?
Remember how awesome summer was when you were a kid? Freed from the everyday grind of school, months of complete freedom lay before you. Every day was a chance to do something new, to have an adventure, to make new friends and create memories that would last a lifetime. If you’re like most of us, […]
Will having a criminal record stop me from teaching abroad?
Wondering whether a conviction is a barrier to teaching abroad? Keep reading to find out! Can I teach English abroad with a criminal record? No one is perfect. In fact, as humans, we’re all fundamentally flawed. We all make mistakes. If you’re reading this, it’s likely you made a mistake in the past that has, […]
Can I teach English abroad with an associate’s degree?
Almost 700,000 people graduate with an associate’s degree, a two-year degree awarded at many junior and community colleges across the States, every single year. (Note: The Canadian and UK equivalent to a US associate’s degree are two-year diploma programs, offered at a variety of post-secondary education institutions.) There are so many great reasons to earn […]
How to get a teaching job on a military base overseas
If you’re a US citizen currently researching the best teaching jobs overseas for certified teachers (and feeling a little overwhelmed by all the options), you may have come across opportunities to teach abroad (and even stateside) on a military base. It also happens to be the perfect job opportunity for military spouses who hold a US […]
Teaching English in Japan: What are the requirements?
Japan is one of the most popular destinations for those looking to teach English abroad. It’s not hard to see why. From the bright lights of Tokyo to the temples of Kyoto, the country is that perfect combination of being vastly different than what you are used to while also being technologically advanced, politically stable […]
How to find a job teaching English abroad while you’re still in college
If you’ve spent any time looking through ESL job boards you’ll have seen that there is literally a world of opportunity for English teachers with degrees. But, what about wannabe ESL teachers who are still studying, or are just about to head off on a gap year? Can you teach English abroad before you graduate? […]