Here are the top 14 best websites for English teaching jobs abroad

Have you just graduated from college or are you a licensed teacher with a few years of experience under your belt? Are you looking for an English teaching gig, but not having much luck on the bigger job sites like LinkedIn, Indeed or Monster? Read this: What qualifications do I need to teach English abroad? […]
How to break into teaching English online when English is your second language
Reader’s Note: we have improved this blog to reflect appropriate industry-specific terms for how we address people whose first language is not English. The terms “Native and non-native English speakers” have historically been linked to discrimination. As per the International Schools Service mandate, we are working towards eliminating this language and, more importantly, the implied bias it suggests. […]
12 companies in China that are hiring English teachers like crazy
Do you suffer from wanderlust? Is your travel bucket list 10 feet long? Have you decided that this is the year you’re going to teach English in China? Then we’ve got good news for you – with a massive population eager to learn English, China is the perfect destination for new grads across all majors, […]
7 reasons you should volunteer to teach English abroad
Given that it’s so easy to make money teaching English abroad, you may be wondering why anybody would decide to volunteer to teach English for free. Believe it or not, there are actually a lot of fantastic reasons for taking a volunteer TEFL position abroad. Whether you want to make the world a better place […]
How to find a short-term job teaching English abroad
Teaching English abroad is a fantastic opportunity to travel, learn about a new culture and get paid while you’re doing it. With few exceptions, anybody who is a fluent English speaker and has a degree can find an ESL job overseas. However, most language schools only hire teachers for a minimum of one-year contracts. If […]
3 ways to live rent-free while teaching English abroad
One of the biggest questions you will have when you find an ESL job overseas is “Where am I going to live?” Finding an apartment or house in a foreign country will probably seem intimidating at first, especially if you don’t speak the local language and don’t know which neighborhoods you are likely to enjoy […]
How much can you earn and save teaching English in South Korea?
South Korea is one of the best countries to teach English and save money in. This is due to the cheap cost of living, relatively high salaries and benefits offered to international teachers. Although it’s not the highest salary in the ESL teaching market, it’s one of the easiest countries to save money in due […]
How to Land an English Teaching Job in Japan
Lusting after a well-paid English teaching job in the Land of the Rising Sun? You’re in luck! Japan has long been a prolific employer of overseas English teachers, and that’s not about to change any time soon. Not only is English taught as a compulsary subject in the Japanese public school system, but enrollment in […]
How much money can you make teaching in Japan?
Moving abroad to teach English can be a scary thought. After all, it takes an adventurous person (and an open mind) to move from one country to another (and from one culture to another). If you’re looking for a teach abroad destination that packs a whole lot of appeal for expats, look no further than […]
Your guide to teaching English in Japan for the summer
Spending a summer teaching abroad is a dream shared by many college students. Aside from a welcome dose of sunshine and some extra cash in your pocket, it can help you learn a new language, expose you to new cultures, facilitate travel and help you grow as a person. And there’s no better place to […]